Financial Policy

For your convenience, we accept payment via Cash, Bank Debit Cards, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards. If you have any questions, please contact us. We deliver the finest care at the most reasonable cost to our patients, therefore payment is due at the time service is rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance. To help individuals with this responsibility, we participate with Capital One Financing, and Care Credit for those who wish to arrange payment plans with this separate organization. If you have questions regarding your account, please contact us at 561-886-0288. Many times, a simple telephone call will clear any misunderstandings.
Please remember you are fully responsible for all fees charged by this office regardless of your insurance coverage. Our surgeons are participating network providers with many dental insurance plans. Please check with our staff prior to your visit so that you will know if your plan is one with which we participate. We are not a participating provider with Medicare, Medicaid or any private medical insurance plan and consequently cannot bill any governmental or HMO medical managed care, health plan for our services. In some circumstances, such as surgical procedures performed in the hospital, some surgical procedures can be billed to PPO or POS medical health plans, but only if the plan has Out-Of-Network (OON) benefits. Please remember that utilizing OON benefits increases the patient’s deductible and percentage share of co-payment or co-insurance for benefits paid.
For reconciliation of account balances that differ from predeterminations after insurance payments, we will send you a statement. Most insurance companies will respond within four to six weeks. Please call our office if your statement does not reflect your insurance payment within that time frame. Any remaining balance after your insurance has paid is your responsibility. Your prompt remittance is appreciated.